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WordPress latest twitter sidebar widget
Discontinued! This plugin is dead, details here. I made a WordPress widget to display latest Twitter updates for any Twitter user in a WordPress website’s sidebar. A widget is activated…
PHP4 Friendly htmlspecialchars_decode
I needed to use the PHP function htmlspecialchars_decode( ) for a WordPress widget I am making. This function is built into PHP versions 5.1.0 and greater and is used to…
WordPress recently updated pages or posts
This WordPress plugin creates a list of links to the most recently updated pages and posts on any WP website. The following image is a screen shot of the widget…
No Blog Clients WordPress plugin
I wrote a small WordPress plugin today to prevent these link elements from showing up in the header of my websites: <link rel=”EditURI” type=”application/rsd+xml” title=”RSD” href=”WPURL/xmlrpc.php?rsd” /> <link rel=”wlwmanifest” type=”application/wlwmanifest+xml”…
Blacklisting via Ionic’s Isapi Rewrite Filter
In IIS, banning IP addresses from accessing a website is fairly easy. I rarely do this, however, because I prefer to use a combination of an IP address and a…
Label tag width not working
The <label> element will not accept a width value in FireFox, and I just spent way too long finding a workaround. The label element is used to associate a text…
eBay Vehicle Protection Program scam
Update 4/13/2021 Do not contact me about classified ad scams. I can’t help you if you are inclined to believe that a stranger is going to ship you a vehicle…
Calculate days receivable
The amount of time that elapses between a sale and receipt of payment for that sale provides information about the financial structure of a company, including how the company manages…
Do not forget about your domain
If your business has a website, be sure you understand who is in charge of maintaining your domain name registration. Anyone can find out who owns a domain by conducting…