WordPress latest twitter sidebar widget

wordpress-twitter-widgetDiscontinued! This plugin is dead, details here.

I made a WordPress widget to display latest Twitter updates for any Twitter user in a WordPress website’s sidebar. A widget is activated just like a plugin on any “widget ready” theme and can be positioned within the sidebar using the drag and drop Widgets page in the Administration Dashboard.

  • Links @usernames, #hashtags and URLs
  • Displays up to 20 twitter updates
  • Works for any username with public tweets
  • Does not require twitter password
  • CSS friendly element IDs

Requirements to run

  • WordPress version 3.0.0 minimum (MySQL 5 + PHP5)
  • json extension for PHP

This project is based on some code written by Ryan Barr. I added some sauce and already have a nice idea of where the next version will progress. Thanks for introducing me to the twitter API, Ryan.

PHP5 required

This will be the last version of this plugin that runs uses PHP4’s DOMXML object. All future versions published to this plugin’s page on the WordPress Plugin Directory will be PHP5 only. Click here to download the last PHP4 compatible build from my server, version 0.100210 of this plugin.


229 responses to “WordPress latest twitter sidebar widget”

  1. Ahhh..I’ve been looking for something like this. What if you wanted to display your last 2 tweets and not have the icon so large?

  2. I suppose such a circumstance would mean you are waiting for updates :)


    I have yet to submit this to the WP Codex, and I am already planning the creation of a readme file. Stay tuned for additional changes.

  3. hi! thanks for the widget!

    Can you help me – what code should I write to my footer.php to run your widget?

    I am making my own theme, very complicated.Widget code in sidebar.php is disabled by me because I need to load widget code at very specific places. So, at the place where I need twitter posts to appear I am trying to call init_latest_twitter(), but all I get in result is the pisture of twitter and the “Latest on twitter” header :(

    So, maybe I am calling the wrong func?

  4. Vadim,


    Thanks for your interest in my widget plugin. You have actually caught me mid-update. I have made some changes to this plugin this week, and I am waiting for wordpress.org to list the new version of this code, version 0.090305, to be posted on the WP Codex download page.


    I emailed you a .zip file containing the latest code. Give it a shot and let me know if the results are the same. I am not familiar with footer-ready widgets, but I am willing to make more updates to my code if it helps you out.

  5. manofstyle

    when I install it it shows this error :

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function domxml_open_file() in /usr/home/mano-ftp/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 105

  6. manofstyle,


    This means DOM XML is not installed on the server you are using. Write a phpinfo script like this:


    phpinfo( );


    What version of PHP does it say your server is running? Does it mention DOM XML? If not, you may need to install this component on the server so this PHP object can be used. http://us2.php.net/domxml

  7. […] Creates a sidebar widget that displays your latest Twitter update for any given user. Visit Twitter Sidebar Widget […]

  8. I also get…

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function domxml_open_file() in /usr/home/mano-ftp/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 105

    I’ve checked my php settings and I have domxml..

    DOM/XML enabled
    DOM/XML API Version 20031129
    libxml Version 2.7.3
    HTML Support enabled
    XPath Support enabled
    XPointer Support enabled
    Schema Support enabled
    RelaxNG Support enabled

    Any other ideas for getting this to work?

  9. Ok. This plugin needs an options form. I will try abandon DOMXML during this rewrite so the code runs on more servers. Stay tuned, there is no time like the present.

  10. My server is running both PHP4 & 5 with 5 as default. I could force it to load the script under PHP4 but would prefer not to. Another option for users could be to use Alexandre Alapetite’s domxml-php4-to-php5.php wrapper http://alexandre.alapetite.net/doc-alex/domxml-php4-php5/index.en.html

    Corey that link may be of help in your re-write.


  11. Hi – thanks for all you do. I’m a relatively new WordPress user and am having difficulty installing the twitter sidebar widget. It says, “No response from Twitter.” Can you help point me in right direction? I don’t use CSS/any upgrades that get into the underpinnings of the code – is this the problem? I’d be willing to upgrade. Thanks.

  12. @Matt I should be able to write a PHP5 version this week. I’ll send you an email when it’s ready.

    @Susan Thanks for checking out my widget. Are you using WordPress.com or WordPress.org?

  13. hey,

    awesome widget. is there a way to edit the css? there is too much negative space between tweets for my liking…

    thanks again

  14. Sure, look for the variables $beforeUpdate and $afterUpdate in the code. As of version 0.090401, each update is wrapped in a <p> tag. It is possible that your theme’s stylesheet is defining padding or margins on this element.

  15. I have PHP4 running on my server and I’m getting this error code
    `htmlspecialchars_decode() expects parameter 1 to be string, NULL given in /web/sites/pamulex/utahacres.com/land/wp-includes/compat.php on line 105`

  16. I just uploaded this plugin and also get a reading of:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function domxml_open_file() in /usr/home/mano-ftp/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 105

    Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I’m not very code savvy, so the simpler, the better. Thanks!

  17. Billie:


    That error is not occuring in my file. Try deleting the htmlspecialchars_decode function from my plugin.




    That means your version of PHP doesn’t support the code my plugin uses. If you are not very technical, you probably have to wait for me to come out with a PHP5 version, or choose another plugin.

  18. For those facing “Fatal Error” messages, we think your problems can be solved if you contact your host and ask them about the safe mode. Some “paranoic” hosts use to do that…


  19. […] Creates a sidebar widget that displays your latest Twitter update for any given user. Visit Twitter Sidebar Widget […]

  20. This looks very promissing, however, I just uploaded your widget to my WordPress blog and received the error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function domxml_open_file() in /home/content/f/i/d/fiducia/html/govdave/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 83

    I use GoDaddy hosting running on Linux with PHP5 – Can you help?

  21. Drew:

    That means your version of PHP doesn’t support the code my plugin uses. If you are not very technical, you probably have to wait for me to come out with a PHP5 version, or choose another plugin.

  22. Thanks for the wonderful plugin. I had the same error too as I am running on an Apache server with PHP 5.0 Looking forward to your new plugin.

  23. […] Download: Latest Twitter Sidebar Widget Plugin Homepage: Latest Twitter Sidebar Widget […]

  24. […] Latest Twitter Sidebar Widget – The best thing about this twitter plugin is that it works both on PHP 4 and PHP […]

  25. Hi Corey, great plugin for Twitter Updates. How do I add the dates/time for the updates? I would like to display how often I make updates.

  26. […] Latest Twitter Sidebar Widget – The best thing about this twitter plugin is that it works both on PHP 4 and PHP […]

  27. Let me repost that last one – apparently your comment box interprets HTML! I thought it would have been converted to plain text.

    Hi Corey,

    We’re using your plugin on our site, and it’s working great. Thanks for writing it!

    In attempting to fit it into our site’s theme, however, we discovered that it uses inline CSS and doesn’t follow WP template standards for the widget’s HTML structure and CSS classes. This prevented it from properly fitting into our theme consistent with our other widgets, and we had to write some pretty kludgey jQuery commands in an attempt to make it a little more consistent.

    The alternative to jQuery would be for us to correct these items in your plugin’s code, but that would make future upgrades to your plugin a pain in the neck.

    So I’m wondering if you could try to clean up the HTML a bit in a subsequent version of your plugin. So far I’ve identified a few specific problems that would be great to have addressed:

    – The entire widget is contained in a <div> with inline styles, no ID, no CSS classes. Since widgets are always listed in a parent <ul>, the container tag should at the very least be an <li>, not a <div>. Also it should be identified by an appropriate ID (such as “twitter-widget-1” – see how other widgets accomplish the numbering), two CSS classes (“widget-container” at the very least, and another one like “twitter-wiget”), and no inline styles unless you have a very good reason to do so. All CSS should be taken care of in a .css file within your plugin directory. This way a theme can override the styles if it needs to.

    – The twitter icon that you include, which looks great, also has no ID or CSS classes to distinguish it from other <a> and <img> tags within my sidebar. So there’s no way I can reposition the icon using my own theme’s CSS, except by editing your plugin or doing some dirty client-side jQuery. All such elements should be clearly identifiable in the HTML, and should not use proprietary inline CSS.

    – Same problem with the <div> that is output in the widget’s footer. It should be identified with an ID and/or class in case the theme developer wants to align or format the “follow … on twitter” link differently.

    I hope this sounds reasonable to you – I understand you probably had to take some shortcuts just to get the whole thing rolled out quickly. Bravo for your contribution.


  28. Paul: Thanks for the feedback. You are right about my rush to release–the download stats for this plugin clearly show a dip when Twitter updated their API and broke my code. I can definitely make the improvements you want. Stay tuned, and thanks again.

  29. It works some days and others i get this message.
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/60/6408460/html/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 42

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/60/6408460/html/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 46

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/60/6408460/html/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 50

  30. Ron:

    Thanks for the bug report. Maybe this is caused by certain status update content. I’ll test some entity-less items to see if a lack of hashtags, urls or user mentions in the update are causing a null value that triggers this message. If you want to help, you could email me the .json file the plugin saves in the plugin folder on your web server.


  31. Hi, Corey!
    First of all, thanks for your work!
    Well, I have the same problem as Ron.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/disk1/539641/www/meet4fun.ru/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 143

    But before you plugin I tried another one. It didnt work too. Guys on wp forum thought that the problem was with cache. The thing is that cache plugin killed my admin access =)
    so i didnt know if it could help.

    Any way hope this information will help you a little!

  32. Looks like this warning occurs when there are no twitter updates to display.

  33. Stable tag: 0.101126
    that was in readme.txt

  34. I’m getting this warning, then the following line…

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Websites\cashman2\wp-content\plugins\latest-twitter-sidebar-widget\latest_twitter_widget.php on line 143

    follow @hummingbirdpost on twitter

  35. Sorry, I meant to say thanks for your work on this plug in. :-)

  36. Victor & Igor:


    Have you entered a valid twitter user name in the widget options? Does that twitter user have their tweets set to public? The warning for line 143 means there are no twitter updates to display. I can fix the error from appearing as output, but that doesn’t solve the issue of there being no twitter updates found for the user name you have entered.

  37. Unfortunately I’ve tried using a different plug in and it works – same username.

  38. Victor: I’m glad you found a plugin that works for you. Thanks for trying mine!

  39. It doesnt work with @salzano too…
    Actually i think that there is something wrong with my WP.

  40. I published a new version today to address all above issues. Thank you everyone for your feedback and test data. Today is 2010 December 05, so today’s release is version 0.101205.

  41. Hi,

    I am using your twitter widget on my site and it works great, however, I would like to use a different twitter feed on each page, is it possible to populate the username variable based on what page you are on?


  42. Franc:

    That’s an interesting use for this plugin. I don’t think multiple user names is very easy to manage at this time since I didn’t consider that while designing the plugin. What is the context for your use of a different set of twitter updates for each page? Maybe I could write a different plugin to serve this need if I believe it would be popular.

  43. oh cory, my twitter thing doesn’t work again.

  44. How do I change the colour of the text? My page background is black and the text isn’t showing.

  45. Just installed this on my blog a few days ago and LOVE it, so far.
    But I noticed that it hasn’t updated itself with the stuff I tweeted this morning (about 20-25 minutes ago). I refreshed the blog several times and even changed the number of tweets from 3 to 5, but nothing. Is this a problem with the widget? Or is it just Twitter being dumb?

  46. Ashe:

    I’m glad you enjoy the plugin. It stores your twitter updates locally so each hit your website doesn’t acesss the twitter API. Twitter would actually block access to your tweets after about 150 hits in the same hour. More info on twitter API rate limits here: http://dev.twitter.com/pages/rate-limiting

    The latest version of the plugin will only renew the data with twitter once every three hours. Perhaps I could shorten this interval to 30 or 60 minutes to be a bit closer to real time.

  47. Oh, that makes sense. I was just worried it had stopped working altogether. 3 hours isn’t that much of a wait, especially since my blog is low-medium traffic. Thanks for the quick reply! (:

  48. Hi – thanks for generously sharing your work.
    I installed the plugin fairly easily, and my understanding of WP and code is strictly amateur.
    The twitter feed works OK, but font size shows up really tiny on my blog. Can you suggest how to increase size? Many thanks!

  49. Griff:

    Do you know CSS? There is a stylesheet file in the plugin folder called latest_twitter_widget.css that you could use to change all aspects of the widget’s appearance.

  50. Hey! I love all the positive comments your plugin is getting, and we would love to use it on our buddypress installation. However, I am hving multiple problems wit it. For one thing, it pulls what appears to be random tweets (not at all related to our account), for another, it displays this error:

    Warning: curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /customers/tabletracker.com/tabletracker.com/httpd.www/community/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 78


    Can you help us please? Or shall we abandon all hope ;-)

    Thanks, Tabletracker.com

  51. ed:

    The warning you are receiving means that the PHP configuration on your web server is causing my code to malfunction. I’ll explore the issue, and you are the only one reporting this problem at this time.

  52. Thanks for the excellent widget–I’ve tested a bunch of Twitter plugins, and this is by far my favorite. Smooth installation and operation, and easy to customize. Great work.

    One suggestion, in line with a commenter above: the refresh rate should be much quicker than once every three hours. Thirty or sixty minutes would be ideal–hope to see that in future updates.

  53. Brendan:

    Thanks for your kind words. I agree, and a faster refresh rate is coming soon.

  54. Hi! Love the plugin. I just updated to 3.1, and I receive errors with this code:

    // the data is good, save the file
    if( $haveTwitterData && $saveNewFile ){
    //save new file
    $theFile = fopen( $fileName, “w” );
    fwrite( $theFile, $jsonData );
    fclose( $theFile );


  55. Ri:

    What is the error that you’re getting? Before pushing the update this morning, I updated to 3.1 as well, and I have no issues.

  56. I followed up with Ri via email, and we determined his problem was related to the server configuration running WordPress 3.1 on PHP4 and not sufficiently granting the proper permissions to the scripts including my plugin.

    The specific error was

    Permission denied ... on line 147

    A few hundred people have upgraded to the update I pushed out this morning, and I have received no other reports of problems.

  57. Thanks for the cool widget. This is what I’ve been looking for. Clean & simple.

    BUT it doesn’t seem to support UTF-8. Is there any way I can fix it? Most of my tweets for the site are in Korean with some english links, and it somehow mixes up Korean and English also with some strange symbols.

  58. kyong:

    That’s an awesome request. I hadn’t considered character sets at all! Let me see what I can do.

  59. Corey, just now I saw your response Re. my troubles with the plug in. FYI, my team solved the issue, and it runs smooth as butter now ;-)

    I would lov it if you could check out our site, and give us your feedback. Also, on another question, do you know who we need to write to to try and get featured in Buddypress.org?I think we may be worthy. What do you think?



    PS: I will be delighted to grant you access to the Alpha version of our site (or to other fellow WP fans/users) just request an invite on the homepage.

  60. Thanks for this widget – it is really easy for a newby like me to use and I am grateful for your work.

    I am wondering how to make it display my twitter icon instead of the ‘t’ icon, and am not seeing just what I need to change in the code. I found how to change to position of the icon in the css file, but not how to change the icon.

    I’m also wondering how I could put a frame around the twitter feed on my page. Is this a change I should try to make in the css file, or should I approach it through editing my theme?

  61. pat:

    Thanks for using my plugin. I like your icon idea. I had not considered displaying the user’s icon instead of the twitter logo, and it is likely the case that I can include this feature in the next release.

    You should use CSS to create a border. Here’s a simple example that should get you moving in the right direction:

    #latest-twitter-widget{ border: 1px solid #c4c4c4; }

  62. That worked fine and I now have the border I wanted — but it hasn’t picked up my latest tweets. I tried deactivating and reactivating it, thinking it might have lost the initial settings, but I cannot figure out how to re-enter them.

    Any advice?

  63. It started working again! Magic?

    Thanks for your help.

  64. pat:

    The widget only reaches out to twitter to get your tweets once every 30 minutes. Twitter doesn’t want third party applications hitting their servers constantly, so saving a local copy of the tweets is the way this plugin is designed.

  65. Pat, I just swapped out the twitter.png icon in the plugins directory for my own and it looks terrific :) Thanks Corey for this clean plugin.

  66. Hey Corey, the plugin is working great except the hashtags aren’t getting formatted, they just point to my homepage? any idea on how to fix it?

    Thanks for the Great Plugin!

  67. Sort of got it working… in the manually added http://twitter.com/#!/search?q= to replace hashtag->url in the fix_twitter_update function…

    no hashtag url’s were in my .json file?

  68. Mark:

    I’ll take a look. I’m busy and rushing out now…thanks for trying the plugin.

  69. I just tried to activate the plugin and something’s not working correctly.

    Please check out what’s happening and let me know a fix or if I messed up somehow! http://www.hamiltondoulagroup.com/?page_id=189

    I am on the newest WP installation.

  70. Leanne:

    That’s JSON output. It’s the raw data I get from twitter and save to your web server.

    Do you know how to set up a phpInfo file? I bet your web server’s PHP configuration doesn’t support the code of my plugin. If you can show me your server’s phpInfo I may be able to help.

    I’ll send you an email so we can continue privately.

  71. I just published an update to this plugin. Version 0.110330 fixes the issue discovered by Mark above. Another bug that Leanne helped me discover in an email conversation has also been addressed. Enjoy.

  72. Hi, Corey.

    I was wondering if you can help me with a minor tweak. I am using your fantastic plug-in on my wife’s site, and it works great.

    I would like the ability to have her twitter page open up in a new window or tab. I tried the below (adding target=”_blank” at the end of the href statement, but when I tried to activate the plug-in after the change, I got a fatal error.

    echo “follow @$username on twitter“;

    There was an error about a unexpected…on line 232.

    when i pulled the target= option out, everything was fine. can you please help me figure out how I can use your plug in and have a twitter page open in a new window?

    it would be good for folks to stay on her website rather than have to use the back button…

    Thanks a bunch.

  73. I am having a problem. this widget looks great, but after installed, all i see is this on my page:

    help please.

    Warning: fopen(C:\sites\Single54\expeditions\Webroot\studio\wp-content\plugins\latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/jamesco.json) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\sites\Single54\expeditions\Webroot\studio\wp-content\plugins\latest-twitter-sidebar-widget\latest_twitter_widget.php on line 123

    Warning: curl_setopt(): supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in C:\sites\Single54\expeditions\Webroot\studio\wp-content\plugins\latest-twitter-sidebar-widget\latest_twitter_widget.php on line 125
    [{“text”:”Comics come alive at #WonderCon (#photos) http:\/\/t.co\/rY1WB52″,”truncated”:false,”entities”:{“hashtags”:[{“text”:”WonderCon”,”indices”:[21,31]},{“text”:”photos”,”indices”:[33,40]}],”user_mentions”:[],”urls”:[{“indices”:[42,61],”expanded_url”:”http:\/\/news.cnet.com\/2300-11386_3-10007271.html?tag=topStories3″,”display_url”:”news.cnet.com\/2300-11386_3-1\u2026″,”url”:”http:\/\/t.co\/rY1WB52″}]},”place”:null,”in_reply_to_user_id”:null,”favorited”:false,”source”:”\u003Ca href=\”http:\/\/twitter.com\/tweetbutton\” rel=\”nofollow\”\u003ETweet Button\u003C\/a\u003E”,”in_reply_to_screen_name”:null,”created_at”:”Sat Apr 02 20:46:00 +0000 2011″,”in_reply_to_status_id_str”:nu

  74. I have a similar issue to James…Warning: fopen(/home/rocsiont/public_html/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/rocsidiaz.json) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/rocsiont/public_html/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 123

    Warning: curl_setopt(): supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /home/rocsiont/public_html/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 125
    [{“text”:”If your getting into the car and he is just now cleaning off the front seat for you he was not prepared for you \”

  75. james & doug:

    It sounds like your web servers don’t support the way I am using the curl library. I can modify the code (or you can modify the server) to hide warnings if the widget is working correctly despite the messages.

  76. james & doug:

    I have looked at the code. This warning is triggered when your web server does not allow my plugin to open a file and write to the folder where the plugin is stored. I could attempt to suppress the warnings, but the plugin will be useless without a local file store.

    Was the plugin working for you before?

  77. Hi Corey,

    I really like your plugin, and I just wanted to share a tweak I made- all of my sidebar widgets do have a title, so I added a bit of code to the main function:

    // output the widget
    echo “Twitter” ;

    It would be nice to specify this widget title in future versions.

  78. Sorry, I forgot to properly HTMLize the code:

    // output the widget
    echo “<li id=\”latest-twitter-widget\”&rt;<h2 class=\”widgettitle\”&rt;Twitter</h2>” ;

  79. Mike:

    That’s certainly not a bad idea :) Another user helped me find a bug yesterday, so a new version is already in development. I’ll see what I can do. Thanks for using my plugin.

  80. I published a new version tonight that includes Mike’s request for an optional widget title and a fix for the problem described here https://twitter.com/#!/salzano/status/55041519865966592

  81. Thanks for sharing this! I noticed a small bug; you don’t check for the return value of the function curl_to_file. So when this function fails there is no nice feedback. Happened to me when I forgot to install the php5-curl extension.

  82. Wietse:

    Thanks for the tip!

  83. Hi Corey, my tweets are all displaying in black, rather than @replies and links in blue like it does in your example shown. Why is this? Can it be fixed?

  84. Megan:

    Your wordpress theme will control the output of the widget. The plugin does have a stylesheet that you can use to customize the appearance. Do you know CSS?

  85. Is there any way we can scroll the tweets after a given number such as after 5 tweets?

  86. Carol:

    By “scroll the tweets” do you mean put them in a box with its own scrollbar so the widget isn’t too tall?

  87. Hey,
    I love your latest twitter plugin – however, sometimes it will not display anything or show the following message…

    “Invalid argument on line 224” home/myketech/public_html/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php

    Can you suggest anything?

  88. I know a little CSS…where can I find the code to edit?

    Also, sometimes I have the same problem as Mike (above). My tweets don’t always show up or there is an error message.

  89. I just found the file, can you tell me where in the code I should edit to have the font larger and the @’s and links displayed in blue? Thanks!

  90. Megan:

    Try adding this to the .css file in the plugin’s directory:

    #latest-twitter-widget{ font-size: 150%; }
    #latest-twitter-widget a:link    { color: #0048c5; }
    #latest-twitter-widget a:visited { color: #0048c5; }
    #latest-twitter-widget a:hover   { color: #0572dd; }
    #latest-twitter-widget a:active  { color: #0048c5; }

  91. MikeC

    Hi, Corey!
    Thanks for this great widget!
    I like it a lot, but there is a bug showing up every time a hashtag appears in a tweet.
    If a hashtag appears, the last letters of the word before the “#” disappear and the last letters of word after it get doubled (see image http://i52.tinypic.com/jjw6tw.jpg ). The link (http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=…), however, is correct without the “double letters”. Any idea how to solve this problem?

  92. great widget

    How do I get it to NOT show my replies? only tweets… thanks

  93. MikeC: Your problem is international characters. For some reason they aren’t saving properly in the file where I store the tweets.

    Mike: That’s a cool idea. I think I can do it.

  94. I just published a new version 0.110509 that handles international characters properly (all of UTF-8). Thanks for the tips, friends, and enjoy the fix.

  95. Hey Corey,

    I just updated to version 0.110509. Before doing so, the plugin was working wonderfully. Now, however, I’m seeing the following error message in my sidebar:

    No data found on twitter.com. Try a refresh!

    Any ideas?


  96. Awesome. This means the twitter API returned an error. You could wait 30 minutes for it to request new data from twitter, or delete the username.json file from the plugin folder so it tries again.

  97. Thanks, man! I appreciate it.

  98. I’m having the same problem as Tom. The new update was working fine yesterday but not today.

    What exactly do I delete?


  99. Hi

    Any way this could be updated so that you can have more than one instance of the plugin in a sidebar?

    Great plugin!


  100. Couple of questions. First, a bullet shows up before the “Follow Me” title. How do I remove that?

    Second, I have The Journal theme of WordPress, how do I change the background color to match the Related Articles widget that is automatically installed on my site?

    Thank you,

    Great plugin overall

  101. I like the clean lines of this widget very much. Also the italics and quotes. Tweets are easy to read. Thank you!

    I’m having the same bullet issue as the commenter above–although the bullet shows up before my first tweet. I’d like to remove it. If I can’t get it out of there, I may switch to a different plugin, but I’d rather not!

    Also, there’s a lot of empty space above this widget. I use a text widget to title all my widgets, and this particular one leaves a large gap in the sidebar. Can I delete that in the CSS?

    Thank you!

  102. Disclaimer: PHP newbie and this is my first WP site… :)

    I’ve got the plugin installed and the widget activated, but I’m seeing the raw JSON spewed out on the page.

    I (think) I made sure that both the curl and JSON php extensions were installed… then this morning I bit the bullet and did a full upgrade of PHP (from 5.?.? to 5.3.6). Same issue.

    It’s obviously something I’m doing (or not doing), as I don’t see any of the other 100+ comments asking about this (which figures, doesn’t it? ).

    As a PHP n00b (I’m a ColdFusion developer), I’m not sure what info I can provide that would make troubleshooting easier… but if anybody has any ideas, or can give me specific info to report back, I’d be quite grateful.


  103. Quick update… it _might_ be my template, which has a good amount of jQuery in it… there may be a conflict. Going to try with the default template.

  104. Easy to remove bullet:
    go to latest_twitter_widget.css
    find: #latest-twitter-widget
    add: list-style:none;

    worked for me, hope it works for you too. Great simple plugin!

  105. Hello, thanks for the plugin! It would be great to:

    – configure the “follow [username] on Twitter” text with template tags
    – disable the plugin css to use our own css
    – have the title in a h3 (or configure it)


  106. Working great for me…although I just added a new tweet 15 minutes ago and it is still not showing up on the site.

    Is it not setup to be a real time feed?

  107. Kevin:

    Nope. Twitter only allows 150 requests to their API an hour, so every hit to your website can’t get new twitter data.

  108. Occasionally I am seeing this error:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/kstrasser/webapps/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 230

  109. A WP Boy

    Please fix this issue :) It’s got too much of headache for all actually. I see it all looks cool, but some times it wont read the file.. What if you create two files and keep a old one, If the new one fails to load, you can read old one and show?

    Occasionally I am also seeing this error:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ……………./wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php.

  110. I’m testing a new version of the plugin to make sure it addresses these latest issues. An update will be released soon. As always, thanks for the feedback.

  111. I just published version 0.110711 that fixes the problems described above.

  112. thanks for a great plugin! there seems to be something about a long username, though. if i use “ImSoVainDotNet” the widget doesn’t display anything besides “follow @ImSoVainDotNet on twitter”. if i change to a smaller username, it shows tweets just fine. is there username length limit?

  113. Corey, Is this the link to download the latest version of your plugin?


    But the version still shows version 0.110509 instead of 0.110711.. Please reply to my email ID, if possible. Thank you!

  114. Preston

    Hi Corey,

    Thanks for the plug-in. I have an issue with the widget title. If i use an apostrophe in the title it automatically inserts a forward slash before the apostrophe (e.g. “Preston/’s tweets”).

    Do you know how I can fix this?


  115. Hi, I love this plugin, it’s just what I needed.

    There’s several tweaks I’d love to do to it. I’d like to add a speech bubble and place the text above my avatar.

    Is there a way to find people’s mods to this widget? My knowledge of css is very limited, I can play around with it but I’m afraid of messing up the widget.

    Again thanks so much for the widget!

  116. Dear Corey

    I’m using your latest twitter plugin widget which works great but sometimes the plugin gives the following error in the widget area when the page is loaded.

    Warning: fopen(/home/bpldrwtk/domains/dapubblog.com/public_html/echtkerkelijk/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/bisdomroermond.json) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/bpldrwtk/domains/dapubblog.com/public_html/echtkerkelijk/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 127

    Warning: curl_setopt(): supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in /home/bpldrwtk/domains/dapubblog.com/public_html/echtkerkelijk/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 129

    Do you know how to fix this? My host supports Curl and Json I can’t seem to recreate the problem on a local server.

    If necessary, please contact me via the provided email address.

    Kind Regards

  117. Bas:

    That error means the file saved to your web server by the plugin containing your twitter updates was non-existent when the plugin tried to open it.

    I’ll look into it!

  118. Hi Corey,

    When i put it in my sidebar i get the message “No data available for user (username).

    I have tried with a number of usernames.
    Any ideas


  119. Dear Corey

    The warnings were magically removed and this message came in the place.

    Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/bpldrwtk/domains/dapubblog.com/public_html/echtkerkelijk/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 169
    No data available on twitter.com for user bisdomroermond

    Kind Regards

  120. Bas:

    Find a file bisdomroermond.json in the plugin folder. Delete it and refresh the page.


    Does your server have the json and curl installed? Details in the post above.

  121. Dear Corey

    I deleted the json.tmp file in the website root folder and everything worked again.

    But after I deleted the files you mentioned (.json file and .json.tmp file) in the plugins folder. The widget area gave the same result I posted in my first post.

    I hope this piece of information helps in tracking and cleaning bugs.

    Good luck, I really love your plugin!

    Kind Regards

  122. Dear Corey

    I found a fix to the bug I mentioned in my first post. I just needed to change the unix permissions of the plugin folder of your plugin to 777, after it generated the json files again I could change it back to the more safe 755.


  123. Bas:

    The json file is replaced with a new file a few times each hour. The error will likely return if you chmod back to 755.

  124. Hi!I love the simplicity and look of the plugin. I just have two questions…

    1) I used it in the sidebar of my posts to show the latest news shared from my news Twitter account. The widget shows what I want but it is moved a bit to the right in comparison to the other widgets below. Why? Is it centred by default? Can I change it to aligned to the left?

    2) I want to use it in an other page as well of my blog, but I can not find the widget in the menu of widgets to place it where I want. Maybe it can be used only in one place? Or maybe should I reinstall it again? How can I use it in a different place of my blog as well without choosing only one place?

    Thank you and congrats for your widget!

  125. Hi!

    Is there a way to use the plugin if you don’t use widgets? I have all my sidebar items in my footer.php, thus I always edit the html/php codes there. Is there a php code or something I can just paste into my footer.php to use the plugin?

    Hope you can help!

  126. Hi! I installed the widget but get this error:

    “No data available on twitter.com for user (so and so)”

    I saw a comment above where a similar thing happened to a user, and your reply to delete a file called json.tmp, but I can’t find anything like that…


  127. Suzanna:

    You either have a bad user name or no permission to write a file to the server. If you can’t find a .json file in the plugin folder, the plugin wasn’t able to create it.

  128. Michael David

    Great plugin–just a few days ago, though, it stopped updating. Any ideas? I have deactivated and reactivated but those old tweets persist…

  129. Love the plugin. Very simple to use. Small issue though: We’ve recently changed our WP directory (from /cms to / ) and now the Profile Picture is broken. It looks as though the plugin is pulling from the Site Address instead of the WordPress Address.

    Any ideas on a fix?

  130. Actually, I found the issue. Its on line 248 of latest_twitter_widget.php

    Changing [code] $pluginURL = get_bloginfo(‘home’).”/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/”;[/code]


    [code] $pluginURL = get_bloginfo(‘siteurl’).”/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/”;[/code]

    Seems to fix it.

  131. siteurl should be wpurl. sorry

  132. Julius R

    I have uploaded the plugin to my WP site and it displays my twitter icon, but I don’t see any tweets. Am I doing something wrong?

  133. Hi Corey, me again!

    I have a bullet point beside my first tweet (which actually only showed up this week!) and the advice above (add: list-style:none; }) is actually already in the css code. Any idea how to remove the bullet?

    Also having trouble changing the colour. I added the code above and updated the file but no change. Does the code have to be inserted into a specific part of the widget css stylesheet? I bunged it on at the end. Amateur hour.

    Can you help?
    Thanks so much!

  134. Hi Corey – great Plugin – easily the best of several I tried.

    Got a question – I’d love to have the ‘follow me’ link not at the bottom of the widget but right-aligned next t the Widget title (that screen real estate is begging for the link!) but wondered if you knew an easy way to do this (I’m no CSS expert by any stretch!)


  135. Hi Corey;

    I think your plugin is the most adaptable and handsome Twitter display currently out there. Unfortunately, like others, I’m getting intermittent No Data Available errors – but only intermittently. My .json file comes and goes as it rebuilds – perhaps a result of Twitter and my ISP throttling the pull queries.

    I’d love to know from you if your plugin rebuilds entirely with every query or only pulls the tweets themselves, or if you know of a workaround for this problem. I’m quite confused why it’s coming and going so often.

    Many thanks for your work and for any thoughts you can offer.


  136. It’s hard for me to say exactly what happens since I never see the widget without data on this very website. The plugin saves a good back up and reverts if no data is available when it hits the twitter API. I think the problem has to do with the server the plugin is running on. I am using hostgator and have never witnessed this problem on any of my sites.

  137. I get an error, can’t see what i’m doing wrong:


  138. If you want the links posted on the twitter to open in a new window;

    edit this file latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php

    find this:
    $index[$url->indices[0]] = “<a>url.”\”>”.$url->url.”</a>”;

    replace it with

    $index[$url->indices[0]] = “<a>url.”\” target=\”new\”>”.$url->url.”</a>”;

    Save the file.

    links will now be opened in new window

  139. Hi,

    I agree with the people saying this is currently the best Twitter-embedding plugin for WordPress – it works like a charm. :)

    I do, however, have on question: how do I customize the font and size of the widget title? I have figured it out for the text and links in the feed but I cannot make it work for the title.


  140. Oh, one more thing: how do I make links open in a new window instead of the one my website is open in?


  141. Hi Corey,

    I have the plug-in working in my sidebar, however it disappears from time to time saying, “No data available on twitter.com for user” when in fact there is.
    Any help you could provide would be most appreciated!!


  142. Freyskeyd


    i’ve the same problem with “no data available on..”
    I’ve php curl and Php5 enable, i’ve modify chmod on file.

    i’ve create then delete a file with .json

    But still no data…
    any idea?


  143. I noticed when I place the widget above another widget there isnt any spacing between the bottom of WordPress latest twitter sidebar widget and the widget beneath. How can I add spacing after the WordPress latest twitter sidebar widget?

  144. Chad: Does your theme put each widget in your sidebar in a list element? I try to play nice with the WP recommendations in theme development, but not all theme authors are on board.

  145. Corey I am not sure what you mean my list element. Have a look at [404] to see what I am talking about. Thanks for your help.


  146. Chad: My suspicion was correct. Your theme does not wrap widgets in list items like shown on this page. http://codex.wordpress.org/Widgets_API#Register_Single_Sidebar That means my plugin is awkwardly coded in your sidebar, and this is probably why it looks odd to you.

  147. Hi. I’m new to WordPress and my site is not active yet. I’m wondering if I can display your plugin only the sidebar of certain pages? I’m currently using another widget called “Display Widgets” that allows me to point to pages that I either want or don’t want another plugin to show up on. Unfortunately your plugin is the only one that does not seem to work with this. Your Twitter widget is by far my favorite and I’m hoping there is a way around this. Thank you.

  148. Yes. That’s the one.

  149. Steve: I think I see what is going on, here. Thanks for the tip.

  150. You’re welcome Corey. I hope the two nice plug-ins become best friends.

  151. Were you able to look into getting the two plugins to work together Corey?

  152. Steve: I have looked into the issue, and I have identified the problem. I have absolutely not had time to work on the code. I have about a dozen plugins a thousand requests and a day job.

  153. I figured as much, I was just wondering if this was something that could be fixed. No hurry. Thanks.

  154. Hi Corey

    In Conns August 22nd post he asks whether the widget can only be used only in one sidebar? I’d like to know that too. I have a homepage with custom sidebars which are different to default sidebars used in other pages. For consistency, I want the Latest Twitter widget to feature on homepage and other pages yet once the widget has been dragged into one sidebar it is no longer showing within the available widget list to then drag into another sidebar. Can you confirm that this is how the widget behaves?

  155. 2410: That is correct, sir. I have yet to implement the 2.8 Widgets API in this plugin, but the next update will have it and then all your multiple sidebar dreams will come true.

  156. Jeff Reid

    Hello Corey,

    I’m a big fan of the widget– still think it is the best looking Tweet for WordPress out there.

    I do have a problem with not updating often enough; I’m looking at a top-tweet from over 24 hours ago, and not the latest.

    What is the easiest way to force it to refresh with the latest tweets?


  157. Hey Corey,

    Thanks for the great app!
    Just trying to make one change and not having any luck :(
    I’d like the main text of the tweets to change to a light charcoal colour versus the black, but no matter what I do it is not working. I’ve got the links changed, but not the main text….help?



  158. Hi Corey, in the last version I had of this plugin, I was able to edit the text in the follow link, echo “follow @$username on “;
    so that I was able to delete the word “twitter” and use a twitter icon instead which I put in the css file…
    have just updated to the new version and can’t find this code to edit in the new PHP file…any ideas how I can replicate my old style?


  159. gerry, try line 177.

  160. Getting this error. Any idea.

    Warning: unlink(/hermes/bosweb/web082/b825/nf.gueco2011/lcpweddings.com/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/Liniphoto.json) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /hermes/bosweb/web082/b825/nf.gueco2011/lcpweddings.com/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php

  161. Hi
    my widget totally disapeared for some reason. like it,s not working since i made the update.
    on my site it was on the left now it,s gone
    how can i fix it?

  162. Pascal:

    The latest update was a breaking change. This means that you need to drag the widget back into the sidebar where it was appearing previously. I couldn’t avoid this while delivering the functionality in the latest release. The plugin now lets other plugins modify its behavior and blends into thousands of more themes without any special CSS.

    I was clear in the release notes about the update being a breaking change, but I understand why people don’t read that sort of thing.

  163. Hi Corey,

    Looks like a nice plugin. The thing is, I’ve been looking for a plugin that’s also easy to embed it manually and with a little bit more control over the content (filter out Retweets, mentions or certain terms).

    My compliments how you are handling all the feedback here. To inspire you I’d like to show you the way this guy handled this (old) plugin: http://rick.jinlabs.com/code/twitter/

    Keep it up :)

  164. Your plugin is throwing this error right now. Any ideas?

    Warning: unlink(/home/…/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/salzano.json) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/…/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 114

  165. Looks like version 0.120328 fixes the bug I mentioned yesterday. Thanks!!

  166. Justin:

    It sure does. Thanks for the feedback. Hat tip to Tony who reported the same issue above.

  167. I dragged the widget back into the sidebar, but it’s still not working. The widget is there, but the tweets aren’t. Instead it reads “have data = false”. I feel like I must have missed a step! Help?

  168. Ignore my comment, Corey. It’s working now. :)

  169. Hey there Corey, could we possibly get an update on Rick’s earlier code for opening links in a new window please? Originally I just copied and pasted Rick’s edit and bricked my site until I undid the changes lol.

    Tried this too, but it didn’t work:
    $index[$url->indices[0]] = “url.”\” target=\”new\”>”.$url->url.”“;

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, and oh, great widget by the way! It’s not just the latest, it’s the best!

  170. Simon:

    You’ll have to edit lines 152, 179, 186, 190 and 194. These lines contain anchor tags. You’ll have to edit the anchors to output like this:

    <a href="http://example.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">example</a>

    Make a change and view the source of your website to make sure you’re adding the target attribute correctly.

    Ignore the rel=”nofollow” attribute, that is added by my WP install here.

  171. Hi, wondering why the plugin sometimes shows: have data = false. Is this a twitter thing or the plugin?


  172. Hello Corey

    Thanks for your plugin and help provided with all kinds of isses.
    I have the same issue as Simon asked just before me.

    This is the code in your plugin at line 152:

    $linkHTML = “<a>”;

    I changed that into:

    $linkHTML = “<a href=”http://twitter.com/#!/Kosmo030″ rel=”nofollow”>KOSMO030</a>”;

    But than this appears: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/bddionl1/public_html/111/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 152

    Sorry, no PHP expert . .
    Karin :-)

  173. Oh dear, the codes do not show up like I posted it . .
    Hope you can just help me with that target blank issue.
    I know target code, but I do not know how to exactly put it into your PHP code.

  174. Karin:

    You should view the source of the page and examine the output of this widget. Then, take a look at the comment I left in response to Simon and compare the difference.

  175. Hello Corey.
    Thank you but I’m feeling very stupid. I really tried and tried , but get parse errors all the time when I change something . .

    This is the sourcecode:

    <a href=”http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23PIDP” rel=”nofollow”>#PIDP</a> <a href=”http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23Papoea” rel=”nofollow”>#Papoea</a> <a href=”http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23Kosmo030″ rel=”nofollow”>#Kosmo030</a> <a href=”http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23dans” rel=”nofollow”>#dans</a> <a href=”http://t.co/v0WN8UKC” rel=”nofollow”>http://t.co/v0WN8UKC""Tijdens openingsuren vamn het stadhuis in Utrecht zijn de portretten van Papoea’s te bekijken. <a href=”http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23PIDP” rel=”nofollow”>#PIDP</a> <a href=”http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23Papoea” rel=”nofollow”>#Papoea</a>… <a href=”http://t.co/DdXgd1Nv” rel=”nofollow”>http://t.co/DdXgd1Nv</a>""Kosmopolis Utrecht presenteert de fototentoonstelling Paradijsvogels in de Polder met portretten van Nederlandse… <a href=”http://t.co/K3Wyfess” rel=”nofollow”>http://t.co/K3Wyfess</a>"<a href=”http://twitter.com/KOSMO030″ rel=”nofollow”>follow @KOSMO030 on twitter | #PIDP </a>

  176. Karin:

    The goal is to add target="_blank" to the PHP on the lines I mentioned above so the output has target="_blank" as an attribute on each of the anchor tags.

  177. THank you Corey. I cannot seem to get it done myself, but will try to let someone else have a look at your input and fix it for me :-)
    I simply do not understand where exactly to put those target txt.
    in HTML not a single problem, in PHP abracadabra for me :-) Sorry for bothering you and still not getting it.

  178. priestkatten

    Hi Corey,

    if i use your plugin, i´ll geht this error above my twitter news:
    the first time:
    Warning: fopen(/www/htdocs/w0057378/vae-victis/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/Diablo_DE.json) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /www/htdocs/w0057378/vae-victis/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 252

    Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /www/htdocs/w0057378/vae-victis/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 253

    Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /www/htdocs/w0057378/vae-victis/wp-content/plugins/latest-twitter-sidebar-widget/latest_twitter_widget.php on line 254

    now i get this warning:
    have data = false

    what should i do? :(

  179. Follow @SGWeekly on Twitter at bottom of widget is flush right. I would like to make it flush left so it fits on one line. Please advise. Thank you!

  180. Hi,
    The Twitter plug-in is great thanks. But I have one question. How can I change the width so that it fits comfortably within my sidebar. Other widgets and images fit comfortably with a width setting of 280.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  181. Hello and thanks for the great plugin.

    I just wanted to mention something that might have been an oversight while building the plugin. I recently just updated the plugin for a client and after the update had completed the widget had removed itself from the widget area it had been assigned to.


  182. Hi !
    could you answer about that “have data = false” problem please ??

  183. Mike:

    If you see that output instead of the widget, a number of things could have gone wrong. Here are some examples:

    1. There is no saved copy of the tweets on the server (from a previous download from twitter’s API) and a new file cannot be fetched.

    2. There is a saved copy of tweets on the server, but for some reason it doesn’t contain the data the plugin is expecting.

    So, your next question is why could the download of your twitter data from twitter’s API go wrong?

    1. Your server’s PHP installation doesn’t have a library installed that this plugin uses (json, curl or wget).

    2. Your server has hit twitter’s API too many times in a short period of time and exceeded twitter’s rate limit. (don’t look at me, this plugin acts responsibly. you could be sharing a server with 100 other websites)

    3. Twitter’s API returned an error. (invalid user name, tweets not set to public, twitter could be too busy or fail whaling)

    There are more cases where things could go wrong. You can try to delete the .json and .json.tmp files in this plugin’s folder. Doing this will make sure the plugin hits the API on the next page load. The json files will be named with your twitter user name. If you want to take a closer look, copy the contents of the json file into a viewer like http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/ You might find an error.

  184. Hi Corey,

    i’ve got the “have date = false problem” too. Refering to your latest post:

    “1. There is no saved copy of the tweets on the server (from a previous download from twitter’s API) and a new file cannot be fetched.
    2. There is a saved copy of tweets on the server, but for some reason it doesn’t contain the data the plugin is expecting.”

    How can i find out about these two points? Where do i have to look, whether there is a saved copy of the tweets or not?

    Thanks for your help

  185. Alex, there will be files in the plugin folder named after the twitter user names and ending in .json. Those are the data files.

  186. Is there shortcode support for the Latest Twitter Sidebar Widget? Or a method to embed manually on a page?

  187. Chuck:

    Not at this time.

  188. One tip for the ‘have data = false’ issue…make sure that your plugin directory is writable! D’OH!

  189. Hi Corey,

    Thanks so much for this widget! I had Twitter Widget Pro and it wasn’t updating, but so far, so good with this one.

    I notice there isn’t any option to include retweets – is there any particular reason for this?

    Thank you!


  190. Hi Corey,

    Every time I move the widget to the sidebar, enter info and save, it is not there when I view the post. Going back to the edit post page, the widget is not on the sidebar anymore. The widget does not stay on the sidebar. Please help, much appreciated!


  191. Lynn: Native retweets will be included with the next update.

    Manny: That’s not a problem that anyone else has reported to me, and I haven’t updated the plugin in months.

  192. Hi Corey, thanks for the quick reply. The widget now appears, but is giving me the have data=false message. I’ll read the comments further to see how I can fix.

  193. Hi again Corey,

    Is the error “have data=false” caused by not having the plugin directory writable?

    Yet I’ve been making changes to the site/theme all along, so I guess it is editable.

    So I’m confused about the source of the problem. I’d appreciate greatly any help or direction you can provide!


  194. Manny:

    I think this situation will get better with the next release. I recently found out I can avoid the writable directory situation by saving files in the uploads folder instead of the plugin folder. I plan to implement this, too.


  195. Corey, is there a way to list two @usernames so that tweets from both are displayed?


  196. Hi Corey: I’m running this plugin on my site. Just have a couple of questions which I’m struggling with. Hope you can help.

    1. I would like to put a thin border around the whole plugin, I’ve tried a couple of things with the css file, but no luck. Can you help me with the coding please and where to put it.

    2. I would like to make the Follow link at the bottom of the plugin open up in a new tab. I did see some stuff earlier on in these comments about editing lines 152, 179, 186, 190 and 194 to edit anchor tags. What file do I make these changes in as I’m struggling a lot with this.

    Thanks very much

  197. Hi there – Love the sleek/minimal look. The question of refresh rate was raised some time ago. What rate is the plugin at now? I have a separate Twitter widget in footer that is part of theme and they are never in sync. Pls advise, Thanks!

  198. Corey – Thanks for the plugin. I installed the plugin and for some reason it is not updating with the latest tweets. Any ideas?

  199. Hey Corey – please disregard the previous post. The widget did finally update with my latest tweets. Is there code that sets the feed update interval? Or are you thinking of making this a front end setting in future releases?


  200. Dan: It tries every 30 minutes. No guarantee that twitter cooperates. Read my replies here to understand what happens http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-latest-twitter-sidebar-widget-have-data-false

  201. After I installed your latest twitter sidebar widget, the font size was quite large. I managed to bring that down in the CSS file for all characters, except for the links. No matter what I change in the CSS file, the links still stay large.
    What can I add to the CSS file to change the font size of the links?

    Any help is appreciated, Thanks in advance.

  202. Hi, is there a way to have multiple twitter feeds going into the one widget?

  203. Steven:

    No, there isn’t. If you wanted to pay me to make a version that can include multiple twitter users, I would consider that job.

  204. Hi Corey,

    First off, thank you for your awesome work on the Latest Twitter Sidebar widget. I use it for quite a few of my websites and am very pleased with it.
    Today however, I ran into a weird problem that I hope you might be able to help me out with.
    As it turns out, Twitter was down for maintenance for a short time this afternoon. During this time a few of my sites were displaying my twitter feeds through your plugin as usual.
    For some reason this downtime messed up the JSON feed and somehow injected the HTML code for their maintenance page straight into my websites through your plugin.
    As a result my entire layout got messed up and twitters background images turned up as backgrounds in my site. I figured that if the JSON feed would be down for some reason or have invalid data the plugin simply wouldnt be able to parse it and return an error of some kind. But instead it appears as if it just dumps the contents of the json file straight into the wordpress output. Any thoughts on how to prevent this from happening in the near future?

  205. That’s hilarious. Shame on twitter for running a shitty API. Delete the JSON file from the plugin directory, and that content will stop showing up on your website.

  206. Hey guys, cool WP plugin. One question: is there any way to get images within tweets to show inline? That would be cool.

  207. I am using your Twitter plugin on my website and looks great when it is working but every now and then it disappears from the page. I have had a look at some of the comments but can’t see a fix.
    Thank you

  208. Good morning Corey. The plugin works great BUT it is now giving me a few problems. It is showing an error with Gravatars and not showing the avatars from the posts. It works fin on my computer and on all my browsers, yet many people has contacted us from inside the building that it gives them a “security” issue. What could it be?

  209. Erich: Probably not.

    Jean: You’re probably on shared-hosting, and 100 other sites could be hitting twitter’s API all day causing twitter to stop fulfilling requests.

    Juan: My profile picture shows up in the sidebar on this website everytime. You should ask the people seeing the security issue what the security issue is since it’s on their screen, not mine. : )

  210. Hi Corey, (great name by the way! :)
    Love the script… I was wondering why sometimes there is a delay in the actual tweets on Twitter and the ones on my site. Like at this current moment, its showing tweets from yesterday. Any help would be appreciated!

  211. Hello,

    Thanks for this plugin.
    I’m making it show the latest 4 tweets. At first it was doing fine, but sometimes it only shows one tweet instead of 4, even if there have been several tweets. Is there a way to make it update more often?

  212. Sarvesh Patel

    Hi , I installed this module but i got “have data = false ” this error,
    how can i solve this error please help me.

    Thanx in Advance.

  213. Hey,

    It seems like the plugin has stopped working for me. It hasn’t updated in 7 days, and we’ve been tweeting quite a bit since then. Not entirely sure where to look. Any ideas?



  214. Aaron:

    I think twitter killed another API. This happened in 2010. I guess if I want to maintain a twitter app I have to count on a total rewrite every 3 years.


  215. That sucks as I really liked this plugin as it looked the best on my site of all the ones I tried.

  216. I’ll fix it when I get some “free time,” but that won’t be until next week at the very earliest and most optimistic.

  217. I also really love this widget. Please update when you can and I’ll install it again. Thank you!

  218. Hi Corey…Love using your plugin but it stopped updating from 12 days or more. Can you please please fix it? We appreciate your work and would love to donate to this project if there is a link.

  219. Been using this plugin for months. All of a sudden it isn’t updating from my twitter . . .
    Any ideas ?
    No changes done and nothing new installed. ?

    Check confirms last post was 11 days ago and I post daily ;(

  220. Hey everyone, anyone know why I am receiving this message: “Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page.” Nothing has been updated or changed with the plugin on my end. Any thoughts?!

  221. Having the exact same issue as Terry, Roshan and Regina. The plugin has been working for months and now suddenly, without any changes, all the posts are staying old. I’m assuming they are just pulling from the saved version and not refreshing. The posts are also exactly the same amount old (12 days), which makes me hope Twitter didn’t change something that broke the plugin. Anyway, any ideas what may be going on?

  222. Uh oh, just tracked down your comment above (Twitter retired API v1). Looks like we are out of luck until it gets rewritten. Have you figured out if this is a major rewrite or will there be an upgrade pretty quickly. Love the plugin, but don’t want the feeds down for a long time, so if it’ll be a while II’ll need to find a replacement until you get it solved. Thanks.

  223. We’re using this plugin on the following site: Send Marketing Solutions and are experiencing the same problem.

    Do we know if there is likely to be an update available, otherwise I might look into this myself and see about rewriting the plugin.


  224. Ok, folks. I have read the documents for the new API, and I don’t want to rewrite this plugin again. The hoops that Twitter wants us to jump through will require many hours of my time that I would rather use at my own discretion. In addition, the setup process that each new user of the plugin would have to complete would not be easy for beginners.

    This plugin was great for more than four years, but there is no upside for me to continue development. I plan to ask WordPress.org to remove this plugin from the repository in the near future. If you need a replacement, take a look at Embedded Timelines https://dev.twitter.com/docs/embedded-timelines (no plugin required) or search the repo for another twitter widget. Thanks for using my plugin, and I am sorry for the inconvenience its death may cause.

  225. Yamuna


    I have been using your plugin for the past one year. Suddenly its showing the error “The connection to twitter has returned an error. Please try again later” . Can you please help me to fix the issue?

  226. Your plugin was the only way I could show my tweets on my blog.It was amazing and best.It worked great even though I was in China (as you know,Great Fire Wall made it hard to use Twitter in this country).

    I didn’t update my twitter for so long.So I didn’t notice this change until I posted a tweet some days before but it didn’t come to my blog.I came here and found your words above.It’s sad.

    However,I respect your decision.Thank you for letting me use your plugin for 3 years.

  227. Hi, i have an issue my tweets not getting update please help.